Easy-to-Use, feature-rich software designed to power the growth of your waste management business

We designed Waste Logics to be powerful and sophisticated yet incredibly easy to use
Enabling your team to effortlessly navigate intuitive screens built around users' job roles and daily tasks allowing you to prioritise what matters to you most with customisable dashboards. Built by a team with many years of experience working in the waste management industry

Orders and Job Entry

Receive alerts for account customers on stop,approaching credit limit

Track containers, see container availability
Custom features for individual service types
Auto email purchase orders to subcontractors
Seamless pricing updates
Orders and Job Entry
Book ad hoc orders, or set up automated schedules
Customisable rate cards by customer, customer type, area, container size, waste type etc
Receive alerts for cash customers that owe money


Drivers and Planning

Maps, trails and drag and drop functionality to easily plan routes

Tools to help optimise routes
Transport dashboard for live round/job status updates
Drivers paperwork and tickets printed or electronic
Service issue management



Track all materials in and out of facilities

Multiple grades per load
Add deductions and compliance issues
Automated waste return reports
Track sales, rebates, tonnages and average prices
Stock control
Landed price analysis



Email purchase orders to subcontractors

Each load can include 4 plus parties
Multiple grades per load
Monitor margins and profitability per job
Track trends with customer spend and profitability
Track subcontractor and disposal costs
Upload service issues and photos from subcontractors



Email and print invoices and self bills

One and 2 way integrations with your accounts software
Credit control and on stop warnings
Work in progress amounts regularly evaluated to raise alerts earlier than accounting software
Supplier invoice matching
Cash debtor warningsl
Electronic tickets available to customers immediately, with the invoices or via the customer portal



Comprehensive management reports to gain useful business insights

Visualise real time KPI’s
Monitor profitability on rounds
Monitor customer spend and service success
Recycling and CO2 savings reports for customers
Monitor sales people
Track profitability per job


Support and Security

Subscription software hosted in the cloud

On demand support between 0800 and 1800
24/7 emergency support
Safe, secure and protected data
Free, automated software upgrades and updates so no downtime or hidden future costs
Off site or on site training options
Transparent setup and onboarding process


Mobile Apps & Plugins

Waste Logics offers additional value with a selection of add-on modules

Customer Dashboard

Driver and Mate Apps
Weighbridge App
